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J. Shannell Evans Headshot

J. Shannell Evans

Scott Downing Headshot

Scott Downing

Amy Tindell Headshot

Amy Tindell

Scott Downing is the Minister to Families at X Factor Church in Albuquerque, New Mexico, a position that has allowed him to teach children, birth through eighteen, about Jesus and discover and share the unique and intriguing intricacies of The Bible, full time since 2020 and part time since 2008. From the time he was a little kid, Scott wanted to be an author (or an astronaut, but he grew out of that one). He received his Bachelor’s in Professional Writing with a Minor in Religious Studies from the University of New Mexico and, immediately after graduating, entered into a twelve year position as an editor. Throughout his life, Scott has never let go of the desire to tell stories and share truth in writing, and he regularly writes, on his phone, much to the chagrin of his dad, who also authors, in the spare minutes he has throughout his day. He always has multiple projects in process. Rocks Will Cry: An Easter Story, is his first book. When not writing or serving at his church, Scott spends time with his wife and kids, taking road trips around the country to visit every state and National Park, hiking in the Sandia and Jemez Mountains, traveling to the beach to go swimming and whale watching, or visiting Disneyland or Disney World, which they do every year.

Joan Shannell Evans was born in The Bahamas. She is a diversified writer, having published books in various genres: poetry and drama, inspiration, mystery fiction, and, now, the author of a children’s series. She has worked in church ministry since 1983, which has included Children and Teen ministries, beginning as a teenager herself. She has been writing even before that. She was a community activist in her hometown of North Andros in her early years. She is now an accountant by profession, and CFO at her home church in Nassau, The Bahamas. Connect with J. Shannell Evans at:

Originally from Alabama, Amy completed her first degree in journalism from Troy University before spending two years as a missionary in Mozambique. Upon returning to the US, she received her masters degree from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, which is also where she met her husband, Thomas. Amy has spent 19 years teaching both regular education and special education in private and public schools, while raising two neurodivergent children and fostering several more. Her son, “Isaac”, was born in 2011 and has high functioning Autism. Their daughter, “Joanie”, joined the family in 2016. She was later diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD). Amy and her family currently live in Louisiana, where she has recently stepped away from teaching to write. She has a blog called Neurodiversity & Faith and has started writing the Think a Little Different series of books for children and young adults. Through her writing, Amy uses humor and compassion to show some of the challenges neurodivergent children face today. Connect with Amy Tindell at: Neurodiversity & Faith

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